Script to deploy source/SFDX format code to your sandbox

Salesforce has two differnt formats to store code/metadata now. Conventional Metadata format and new Source/SFDX format.

Usually you can tell the format from folder structure and file format. If code is following some folder structure like force-app/main/default usually it will be in source format. But is it not guaranteed. A better way to confirm is to check object and field metadata files. If field metadata is included inside a .object file, that means that the code is in metadata format. In source/SFDX format, field metadata will be separated into separate files

Script to deploy source format code to sandboxes

Even if we use scratch orgs for development, we still need to use sandboxes for testing, UAT, training etc. We need to convert code in source format to metadata format before can properly deploy the whole codebase to these sandboxes or production. Use below shell script to make this metadata conversion and deployment easy.

How to use

  • Create a shell file with .sh extension inside your project folder and copy paste above code.
  • Make the file executable with sudo chmod u+x pathToTheShellFileHere.
  • Authenticate your sandboxes/production using sfdx force:auth:web:login command
  • Now to deploy you can navigate to the project folder and run ./ It will ask for alias of the environment that you want to deploy to. Enter the alias and hit enter. Deployment starts.

Please note that this shell script works in Mac terminal and Linux shell only. If you are using windows, you can try to use bash shell there or write windows versions of the commands into a .bat file.

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