How to start a career in Salesforce?

As it is an emerging technology, and a cloud computing technology, lots of people are planning to start a new career in or SFDC. But most of them are in doubt, where to start. As with most of the other technologies, to develop a career in salesforce, best way is to take any certification provided by Salesforce. Salesforce is offering certification in many streams. Depending on whether you are looking for a career as a developer or an Administrator or a Consultant, Salesforce is offering many certifications.

For Developers

For developers, the first certification you can start with is Dev401 exam. It is an online exam where you have to answer multiple choice questions. Its fee is $200. Questions are mainly coming from basic application configuration in Salesforce. The tutorial PDF provided by Salesforce with name ' fundamentals  will help you to answer most of the questions of this exam

Next level exam for salesforce developers is Advanced developer Exam. It is the next level exam for developers. This exam with fee $400 will, ask you to complete two steps in the exam. In the first step you need to clear an online exam with multiple answer questions. In the second level, you need to develop a small case study application.

For Administrators

For administration entry level exam in ADM201, which is almost similar to the DEV401 exam of developers. For this also most of the questions will be coming from the PDF provided by salesforce with name ' fundamentals'. For admin exam more than developing side, you can expect more questions from areas like application security settings, different sandbox limits etc. The exam will also test your understanding about most of the built in functionalities in salesforce like service, call center, sales apps in salesforce

Next level exam for administrators is Advanced Admin exam. This is equivalent to Advanced developer exam for developers.

For Consultants

There are exams for salesforce consultants also. Consultant exam depends on the area, in salesforce where we want expertise on. There are many consultant exams like service cloud, sales cloud etc. 
In addition to these salesforce is providing many other certifications in many other services provided by salesforce.

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